Posts Tagged ‘Indian jewelry’

River Trading Post Offers Interesting Facts

We always enjoy receiving the newsletter from River Trading Post, with galleries in Scottsdale, AZ, Santa Fe, NM, and Dundee, IL. We enjoy visiting River Trading during the annual Art Walk held before the Heard Museum Guild Indian Fair and Market. They represent a fine lineup of artists, including multi-generational talent. A recent newsletter announced findings from a survey of collectors. According to those they surveyed, collectors prefer purchasing both older and contemporary Native-made arts. Pottery and jewelry were the leading choices for acquisition, and they particularly look to magazines American Indian Art and Native Peoples for information.

Hmm… Are you subscribing to their newsletter? (Go to their website to sign up.)

Bahti Indian Arts

Tom Bahti was an Indian trader in the mid-twentieth century who also wrote about his vocation. His son, Mark, has continued the tradition. He ran his gallery for many years solely in Tucson, before expanding to a second shop in Santa Fe.

We visited the Santa Fe store briefly during Indian Market this year and found it packed to the rafters. We couldn’t get any closer, but this shop carries a large selection of Indian jewelry. The selection is smaller at the Tucson gallery, but offers selections from a solid range of contemporary talent, including Navajo, Zuni, and Santo Domingo artists. There was a small case of superb vintage jewelry pieces. An equally small but good assortment of fetish carvings, katsinas, baskets and pottery are available.

When we were at the Tucson store, some remodeling was happening that will culminate in a gallery that offers fine arts. We saw an installation in progress of abstract-looking paintings by a Native artist.

Shop at Bahti Indian Arts if you want to be assured of good quality arts with impeccable pedigrees.